The Tribute Artist – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The Tribute Artist

The Tribute Artist – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Playwright and performer Charles Busch (The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife) wrote and stars in The Tribute Artist, a new comedy presented by Primary Stages.

Jimmy (Busch) is an aging, out-of-work female celebrity tribute artist, late of Las Vegas now in Greenwich Village. His misanthropic and solitary landlady, Adriana, dies in her sleep, and Jimmy takes on her identity in order to sell her fancy Manhattan townhouse and keep the proceeds for himself and Rita, his best friend and a failing real-estate agent (Busch’s long-time collaborator Julie Halston).

Things get considerably more complicated, natch. It turns out that Adriana’s deceased husband left the house to his relatives, the neurotic Christina and her transgender son Oliver. When Christina finds out that “Adriana” is trying to sell the house, she turns up at Jimmy’s front door and his plan goes awry. There are further problems when Oliver tracks down Rodney, Adriana’s former lover.


The Tribute Artist is a chaotic, campy, farcical comedy that combines references to old Hollywood comedies with modern, irreverent banter. Meta jokes about theater, movies, the art of impersonation, and Busch himself are abundant. It has an over-the-top story, but touches on things that seem close to Busch’s heart and the show is clearly about him as much as it is about Jimmy. That said, there is so much going on in this story that it gets messy. Many plot twists are sprung on the audience and their conclusions aren’t entirely satisfactory.

As a performer, Busch spews charisma, his comedic timing is impeccable, and his impressions are hilarious. The supporting cast is also very good, especially Julie Halston, whose chemistry with Busch is undeniable.

Public Opinion

The audience at the performance we saw was comprised of mostly middle-aged patrons who seemed to enjoy the old-school humor and crazy shenanigans. Busch rightfully received a standing ovation.

Have you seen The Tribute Artist? What did you think? Comment below or tweet to us at @Maxamoo.

Critics’ Review

The Tribute Artist‘s trending humor, themes, and ironies are incisive and just shy of brilliant.

Huffington Post
Tribute Artist marries Busch’s flamboyant theatricality with key truths. The wackier it gets, thanks to a wonderful cast and director Carl Andress, the better it is.

Huffington Post
He, She, and Charles Busch

New York Times
We Have the Stars; We Want the House

New York Post
Charles Busch back in drag in desperate real estate ploy

New York Magazine
The Successful Failure of The Tribute Artist

New York Theater
Charles Busch in a Real Estate Lesbian Drag Farce for Senior Citizens

Time Out New York
These Busch gardens are not at full flower

NYtheater Now
The Tribute Artist is mostly just a warm, splendid entertainment, and a precious chance to witness this gifted and often unsung artist at the peak of his process.

Death and real estate take center stage in Charles Busch’s newest gender-bending comedy.

Charles Busch and Julie Halston re-team for a Manhattan real estate farce that will play best to the in-crowd of Busch fans.


$70 (click here for tickets)


Extended through March 30, 2014


59E59 Theaters
59 East 59th Street
New York City
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2 hours 15 minutes, 1 intermission


Huffington Post
Charles Busch’s The Tribute Artist with Julie Halston debuts Off-Broadway

What’s Hiding Under that Wig? Charles Busch,The Tribute Artist, and 30 Years of Intellectually and Emotionally Honest Drag

(partial list)

Written by Charles Busch

Directed by Carl Andress

Featuring Charles Busch, Julie Halston, Cynthia Harris, Mary Bacon, Keira Keeley, Jonathan Walker


The Tribute Artist