The Castle


The Castle

Photos by  Stan Barouh

Religion, state authority, gender roles, and the essence of war are all tackled in Howard Barker’s The Castle – a complex play that incorporates equal amounts of humor and philosophy.

The play is set in Twelfth Century England. The crusaders return from the Holy Land to find that their estate has been taken over by women, who installed a new social order. A showdown ensues with a cast of characters that includes an aggressive (yet quite funny) lord, his stubborn wife, a Muslim prisoner who offers to build an impregnable castle, and one mesmerizing Jan Maxwell, as a charismatic witch.


Atlantic Stage 2
330 West 16th Street, NYC

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2 hours and 30 minutes, one intermission


$15-$30 (click here for tickets)


Performances through August 4th



The New York Times
Back home after war; now to fight

Time Out
The Castle is a scabrous masterwork

New York Post
So much for light summer entertainment. This new presentation by PTP/NYC isn’t for the intellectually faint of heart, dense as it is in both language and themes.

The Village Voice
The Castle’s rotten 12th-Century power struggle looks like our own

Jan Maxwell’s stunning performance in Howard Barker’s The Castle is the highlight of the Potomac Theatre Project’s repertory season

Woman Around Town
The company appreciates and understands this unconventional and expansive work, and, as importantly, has the insight to bring it to apt life


Woman Around Town
Interview with Jan Maxwall

(partial list)

Written By Howard Barker

Directed by Richard Ramagnoli

Featuring Steven Dykes, Quentin Maré, David Barlow, Christina Fox, Jennifer Van Dyck, Jan Maxwell, Robert Zukerman, Brent Langdon, Stephen Mroweic, Aubrey Dube

Potomac Theatre Project in New York City

#plays #drama