SQUIRTS: New Voices in Queer Performance

Squirts: New Voices in Queer Performance

SQUIRTS: New Voices in Queer Performance

SQUIRTS: New Voices in Queer Performance is an annual series of performances in January curated by Dan Fishback, a writer and performer and the director of the Helix Queer Performance Network. Each evening includes performances by multiple artists and features one emerging queer performer and one guest star veteran of the queer performance community. The style of performances vary and include music, comedy, and multimedia arts. The topics addressed are even more varied, nothing is off limits. Fishback started the series to connect the upcoming generation of queer artists to the historical legacy of queer performers in New York City.

The series runs Fridays through Sundays January 3-12, 2014 at La MaMa.

Performing each evening: Ariel “Speedwagon” Federow, Dane Terry, Kirya Traber, Man Meat Collective & Untitled Queen

Guest of honor:

Penny Arcade (Jan 3)
Split Britches (Jan 4)
Flotilla Debarge (Jan 5)
Jack Waters & Peter Cramer (Jan 10)
Susana Cook (Jan 11)
Arthur Aviles (Jan 12)


Stephen Ira and Kia LaBeija (Jan 3)
Janani Balasubramanian and Leo Gugu (Jan 4)
Connor Donahue & Carlo Maria and Merrie Cherry (Jan 5)
Bryn Kelly and Juliana Huxtable (Jan 10)
Gabriel Sahyoun and Red Durkin (Jan 11)
Dominic Bradley and Glittered & Mauled (Jan 12)


The Club, La MaMa
74A East 4th Street
New York City
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January 3 – 12, 2014


$10-15 (click here to purchase tickets)


SQUIRTS: New Voices in Queer Performance