
Maxamoo Book Club featuring Anna Deveare Smith's Letters to a Young Artist

Introducing the Maxamoo Book Club

Have you ever read a great book about theater and just wanted someone to discuss it with when you’re done? Let Maxamoo be that someone! We’re going to choose a book every few months and invite the community of Maxamoo listeners to read it together so we can spend an episode discussing it.

Our first Official Maxamoo Book Club Selection is:

Lettters to a Young Artist: Straight-Up Advice on Making a Life in the Arts – For Actors, Performers, Writers and Artists of Every Kind by Anna Deavere Smith.

Visit the book’s official website for more information.

We’ll be discussing the book on our October 24th episode, so you have more than a month to read it! And while you’re reading, feel free to send us your favorite quotes or any questions or ideas it sparks to you, to podcast@maxamoo.com or on Twitter at @maxamoo.

Find a full transcript of this week’s podcast at http://j.mp/BookClubIntro