Page2Stage Reading Series, Abingdon Theatre Company

Abingdon Theatre Company

Page2Stage Reading Series, Abingdon Theatre Company

The Abingdon Theatre Company’s Page2Stage Reading Series is a two-step process. First, the First Reading is a basic reading that provides a playwright the opportunity to hear his or her work read aloud. Select plays are then given a Staged Reading with more rehearsal time and expanded staging and directing. Both First Readings and Staged Readings are followed by moderated audience discussions. All readings are FREE.

First Reading Series

First Readings are scheduled Mondays at 7:00pm and Thursday afternoons at 2:00pm.

By Nancy Parker
Directed by TBA
Monday, November 4 at 7pm
Marty Tinker’s dad is a constant in her life. Whether Marty and Stan are eating together, or shouting and laughing together, they know how to survive it all. But when Marty finds love at 58, she and her father must survive the painful accusations that come up about their family – all on a road trip to see one of Oprah’s last shows….STINKER…It’s a simple meeting of the hearts.

Staged Reading Series

Staged Readings are presented once a month on Mondays at 7:30pm.

Blue Period
By Charles Borkhuis
Directed by Jackob G. Hofmann
Monday, November 18 at 7:30pm
Arriving in Paris in 1900, two young Spanish painters take to the dazzling bohemian streets of Montmartre to seek fame and fortune, but they soon find themselves broke and disillusioned. Through an entanglement with a provocative French model, Picasso and Casagemas begin a sordid journey through the corridors of a dark tragedy that will lead to Picasso’s macabre “Blue Period” and mark him for the rest of his life.

By Sheldon Bull
The 2013 winner of Abingdon’s Christopher Brian Wolk Award for
Excellence in Playwriting
Monday, December 16 at 7:00pm
Men and their emotions are explored in this two-act comedy about four middle-aged New Yorkers, all in the midst of personal crises, but only one willing to admit it. Plans to attend a Knicks game are sidetracked when neurotic Julius announces that he is moving to the island of Mallorca. Stan’s wife may be leaving him, but he rushes to Mallorca when Julius threatens to kill himself. Leo and Arthur arrive, as does Roberta, the woman who may have pushed Julius over the edge. Fear, frustration, and urination from a seaside balcony combine to bring about the resurrection of Julius, revelations about Leo’s failing business, Arthur’s failing health, and Stan’s failing marriage, and ultimately to the redemption of the four men’s friendship.

On Monday, December 16, 2013, 7pm, Mr. Bull will receive the Abingdon’s Christopher Brian Wolk Award for Excellence in Playwriting including $1,000 in prize money. A staged reading of his play will also be presented. The evening will conclude with a reception. The event is free and open to the public. RSVPs to are recommended but not required.


312 W. 36th Street, Sixth floor 
New York City

For access to the Abingdon theaters, take the REAR elevator to the 1st Floor, or use the 2nd set of glass doors (closer to 9th Avenue) and walk up one flight of stairs. There is no access to the theaters from the front elevator. The rear elevator opens 1 hour prior to curtain.

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Abingdon Theatre Company – Page2Stage Reading Series