This Is My Office – Location, Tickets, Reviews

This Is My Office

This Is My Office – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The Play Company kicks off its 2013-14 season with This Is My Office, a site-specific play by Andy Bragen.

As the name suggests, This Is My Office is set in an office. David Barlow, the sole performer, takes the audience on a guided tour, during which he opens up about his private life – frustrations at work, difficulties with love, and feelings about his recently-deceased father, with whom he had a lot – perhaps too much – in common.

This is My Office is an unconventional theatrical event that is immersive and intimate in nature. More than just guiding the audience, Andy makes eye contact and checks on the well-being of audience members. The story starts slowly but by the end of this distinct production the experience is heartfelt and stirring. Given the small setting, tickets are limited.


210 East 43rd Street
New York City
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1 hours 25 minuetes, no intermission


$40 (click here for tickets)


Now through December 8



New York Times
A Place for Work and Introspection

Theater Pizzazz
Overall, this site-specific performance is subtle and well-executed.

Time Out New York
A site-specific artist’s tale seems dislocated.

Video review

Village Voice
This Is My Office Doesn’t Quite Bring Home the Bacon


The Play Company’s Season to Begin With Site-Specific This Is My Office by Andy Bragen

(partial list)

Written by Andy Bragen

Directed by Davis McCallum

Featuring David Barlow

Official Website

The Play Company – This Is My Office