Sarah Flood In Salem Mass – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Sarah Flood In Salem Mass

Sarah Flood In Salem Mass – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Sarah Flood In Salem Mass, an unconventional play written by Obie Award winner Adriano Shaplin, is having its world premiere in New York City at The Flea.

Sarah Flood is a girl from the future. She is bored with life and travels back to 17th century Salem on a mission to change history, stop the witch trials, and save the lives of the women persecuted. As she is drawn in deeper, she realizes the conflict is not about religious extremism, but greed. The village is torn apart by the desire for power and fortune, and the young women who try to do what is right end up caught in the middle.

The play has a minimal set on a foggy stage with cloth strips hanging from the ceiling. Constantly juxtaposing multiple scenes on the stage, it navigates through intertwined narratives to give the audience a full understanding of the events. Music and dance are incorporated to enhance the anxiety and somberness of the story. Sarah Flood In Salem Mass is a riveting, beautifully sad tale explored with inventive storytelling techniques.


The Flea Theater
41 White Street
New York City
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1 hour and 30 minutes, no intermission


$15-$55 (click here for tickets)


Performances through October 27


TimeOut New York
A certain shagginess hampers the deliriously clever Sarah Flood in Salem Mass

Theater Is Easy
Strong performances from the cast, as well as strong directing, help to make this highly unusual story engaging.

Stage and Cinema
Definitely thoughtful, at times charming, occasionally compelling, but mostly tedious

Theater Pizzazz
No matter how you follow their journey, the cast and creative team of “Sarah Flood in Salem Mass” present a smart show with plenty of angles to consider.

Show Business Weekly
This bold, challenging and inventive production, teeming with questions and chaos, leaves the audience with an abundance to consider, and maybe a different view of time travel too.

Talkin’ Broadway
The ensemble acting, the tight directing, Caitlin Lainoff’s minimalist set design, and the playwright’s own well-produced sound design work well together to make for a most intriguing theatrical experience.

Village Voice
All kinds of Gonzo Weirdness


(partial list)

Written by Adriano Shaplin

Directed by Rebecca Wright

Featuring Bradley Anderson, Jamie Bock, Veracity Butcher, Thomas Carman, Yonghyun Choi, Whitney Conkling, Matthew Cox, Hannah Finn, Glenna Grant, Kana Hatakeyama, John Paul Harkins, Jed Krivisky, Christine Lee, Hank Lin, Elizabeth May, Jeff Ronan, Isabella Sazak, Michelle Silvani, Elly Smokler, Mariette Strauss, Kate Thulin, Nate Washburn.


Sarah Flood In Salem Mass