The Recommendation – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The Recommendation

The Recommendation – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Aaron and Iskinder (Izzy), the protagonists of The Recommendation, come from strikingly different backgrounds. Aaron is wealthy and white. Izzy is middle class, his father an Ethopian immigrant and his mother a white American. We see Aaron and Izzy establish their friendship in college and then we see, many years later, the fruition of resentment built over time on conflicts exacerbated by differences in class and privilege.

The Recommendation won the 2012 Craig Noel Outstanding New Play Award, and opened in the Flea Theater to strong reviews, although not without reservations regarding the script, breaking the fourth wall, and plausibility of the story. Reviews are linked below. The Flea extended performances of The Recommendation through October 7, 2013.


The Flea Theater
41 White Street, New York City 
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2 hours, 1 intermission


Tickets are $15-$35 (Click here for tickets)


Extended through October 7th


Time Out
The Recommendation races through the years at breakneck speed, giving us little time to know these guys in any real way.

Broadway World
The Recommendation explores American myth of a classless society at the Flea.

Curtain Up
Neither preachy nor soft…(the Recommendation) …examines notions of privilege, justice and friendship through the lens of race.

The L Magazine
There’s a very fine play here—it just needs a little more work to really start boiling.

The Recommendation offers a compelling two hours of thought-provoking theater with very few visible resources.

Theater Pizzazz
This is a gem of a cast that has been directed by the silky, smooth hand of director Kel Haney.

Theatre Is Easy
It is a visceral, intelligent, and unique script, and this production proves another feather for the Flea’s cap of fabulous shows.

Village Voice
Although it’s timely and doesn’t fail to hold its audience’s interest, it’s still hard to offer this show an unreserved recommendation.

(partial list)

Written by Jonathan Caren

Directed by Kel Haney

Featuring Austin Trow, Barron Bass, James Fouhey, Alex J. Gould, Donaldo Prescod, Orlando Rivera


The Recommendation