How LTR Stole Christmas – Location, Tickets, Reviews

How LTR Stole Christmas

How LTR Stole Christmas – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Christmas is almost here, and with it come many Christmas-themed shows (for a full list check out this special feature). One of these shows is How LTR Stole Christmas, an original variety show by theater company Less Than Rent (LTR).

How LTR Stole Christmas is an umbrella title for three different shows running on consecutive Tuesdays. The shows all share a core principle: original skits and songs written and performed by young artists. The one we saw, “Miracle on East 4th Street: A Classic Christmas with RJ and Friends,” was structured as a parody of an old-fashioned family TV special, tacky Christmas sweater and armchair by the tree included.

The host, RJ Vaillancourt, was hilarious, several skits were genuinely funny, and most of the performers were vibrant and energetic; other bits were amateurish, cliche, or simply out of place. It felt a little like a college variety show, where everybody — audience members and performers alike — knows everybody and is in on the inside jokes, sadly we were not in on the inside jokes.


The Kraine Theater
85 East 4th Street
New York City
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1 hour 30 minutes, no intermission


$10 (click here for tickets)


December 10, 2013 – “America’s Next Top Virgin Mary Christmas Beauty Pageant (A Tragedy)”

December 17, 2013 – “A Blue Christmas without Jew”


Created by James Presson, Patrick Dooley, and Nora McNally

Miracle on East 4th Street

Directed by Jenna Grossano

Hosted by RJ Vaillancourt

Written and performed by Kimberly Belflower, Joseph Wright, Michael Kimmel, Tyler Grimes, Matthew Buckley Smith, Alexander Sage Oyen, Ben Diserens, Dean Acree, PJ Adzima, Quinn Coughlin, Rachel Green, Cole Johnston, Sara Kapner, Alice Lee, Emily Lowinger, Devin Nelson, Stephanie Regina, Monet Julia Sabel, Mike Schwitter, Chris Stahl, Alexander Tylor

America’s Next Virgin Mary Beauty Pageant (A Tragedy)

Directed by Rachel B. Joyce

Hosted by Becca Ballenger

Written and performed by Tora Alexander, Tamara Almai, Emme March Barash,Amanda Brooklyn, Scott Cagney, Ben Clawson, Sarah Daniels, Maya Davis, Ben Diserens, Cassandra Dunn, Joseph Flynn, Matthew George, Matthew Hazen, Erica Hernandez, Thomas Hettrick, Shea Kelly, Eric Leiggi, Peter McNally, Lily Padilla, Eli Pauley, Aishling Pembroke, Julia Piker, Jacob Presson, Paul Romano, Max Schuster, Raphael Shapiro, Timothy Ward, Jenny Rachel Weiner, Westchester Stawbounds, Artem Yatsunov

A Blue Christmas without Jew

Directed by Nicole Ventura

Hosted by Brendon Zelman

Writtern and performed by Cory Asinofsky, Morgan Assante, Michael Bradley Block, Cody Boccia, Bianca Crudo, Ben Diserens, Patrick Fleury, Mia Gentile, Peter Graham, Rachel B. Joyce, Mark Levy, Olivia Macklin, Brendan McDonough, Sean Patrick Monahan, Tom Sanchez, Mike Schwitter, Matthew Buckley Smith, Paul Thode, Catherine Weingarten


 How LTR Stole Christmas