Family Furniture – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Family Furniture

Family Furniture – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Family Furniture, one of the 13 shows on Maxamoo’s November hot list, is running at The Flea Theater through December 22, 2013.

Written by veteran playwright A.R. Gurney, Family Furniture is having its world premier at the Flea. The play is about the turmoil of an upper class family in the early 1950s Buffalo. Nick suspects his mother is cheating on his father, Russell, with a family friend. To deal with the situation Nick adopts a passive-aggressive approach rather than confront anyone directly. In the meantime, Nick’s sister, is in love with Italian immigrant, who Russell doesn’t approve. A chain of difficult events unfolds to shatter the family’s uncomfortable status quo and an opportunity arises for the family to finally open up to one another.

It’s a touching tale that demonstrates the possibility of healing familial relationships. Director Thomas Kail’s steady hand balances the play’s commentary on parent-child relations and Anglo-Saxon Protestant morality with humor and sensitivity, giving the play depth without too much weight. The warmth it sends out may be just what you need in this cold weather.

Recommended if…

  • You enjoy old-fashioned storytelling;
  • You are looking for an uplifting family-themed play for the holiday; OR
  • You have unresolved family issues (maybe your loved-ones will take the hint).


The Flea Theater
41 White Street
New York City
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 1 hour and 30 minutes, no intermission


$15 – $100 (click here for tickets)


Performances through December 22, 2013


Theatre Is Easy
An Updike-esque take on marriage and family.

New York Times
Clouds Gather on the Lake

Stage and Cinema
I found myself enjoying the show from beginning to end.

Theater Pizzazz
The Rigid 50s

A.R. Gurney’s new play takes a look at the silent ways we cope with one another.

NYTheater Now
The beauty of the play lies in the script’s simplicity and in the performances of Family Furniture’s stellar cast.

Off Off Online
Family Furniture invites us, for a hundred minutes or so, to ponder a social convention that, according to Gurney, has saved face, spared feelings and, in some instances, kept families intact.

(partial list)

Written by A.R. Gurney

Directed by Thomas Kail

Featuring Carolyn McCormick, Peter Scolari, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Ismenia Mendes, Molly Nordin


Family Furniture