Early Buzz: 4CHAMBERS


Early Buzz: 4CHAMBERS

Following a successful run this past summer on Governor’s Island, Jody Oberfelder’s 4CHAMBERS finds a new home in Brooklyn for eight weeks this winter.

4CHAMBERS is an immersive performance of dance, theater, film, and music in which a limited audience of 12 ventures through a space transformed to represent the human heart. Corridors function as arteries and veins leading to four separate performance chambers.

According to Show Business Weekly, Oberfelder’s experimental work “thrusts the body into the limelight, providing the audience with an opportunity to viscerally understand the importance of the heart, and an opportunity to feel alive.”

Performances start in late January 2014 at Arts@Renaissance in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Tickets are $60 for preview performances through February 1, 2014 and $75 for all performances thereafter.


2 Kingsland Avenue
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1 hour and 15 minutes, no intermission


Tickets are $60 for all performances before February 1, 2013 and $75 thereafter (click here for tickets)


January 22 – March 22, 2014



New York Theatre Review
Sherri Kronfeld interviews Jody Oberfelder on her piece ‘4Chambers’ at Governor’s Island

Reviews for July 2013 run on Governor’s Island

New York Times
‘4Chambers’ Offers an Artsy Embrace on Governors Island

Theatre Is Easy
BOTTOM LINE:  It might be the most surprising and innovative thing you’ve seen all year.

Woman Around Town
Finding Your Heart on Governors Island

Show Business Weekly
It’s worth mentioning the virtuosity of the dancers themselves, as well as the simultaneously inventive and classically beautiful choreography.

Interesting ideas come together here, in a program suitable for viewers over age 8 who can climb stairs and are game to engage, physically, with lovely young performers.

(partial list)

Written and Directed by Jody Oberfelder

Featuring Megan Bascom, Zachary Denison, Rayvawn Johnson, Joey Kipp, Mary Madsen, Shane Rutkowski, Mercedes Searer, Lily Bo Shapiro, Ishmael Houston Jones, Edward Einhorn, Dr. Wendy Suzuki, Dr. Andre Fenton, Sarah Trignano, Lonnie Poupard, ChristinaNoel Reaves, Jake Szczypek, and Jessica Weiss

