Ghetto Babylon – Location, Tickets, Reviews


Ghetto Babylon – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Ghetto Babylon is a classic coming-of-age story:  Charlie, a smart Latino kid in the South Bronx in 1982 puts his relationship with his two best friends in jeopardy by hiding a secret. The play alternates between a Baseball field, where the trio hopes to win the Bronx-wide championship, and Charlie’s rooftop, where he stacks his books. Together the three boys deal with questions about high-school, their status in the neighborhood, and – of course – girls.

This kind of story has been told before but Ghetto Babylon does stand out due to its compelling and touching depiction of a time and a place, its captivating and charismatic cast, and the uncanny feeling that someone — maybe the playwright himself — lived this story.

Playwright Michael Mejias received the 2012 National Latino Playwriting Award for this play.


59E59 Theaters
59 East 59th Street

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2 hours 20 minutes, 1 intermission


$18 (click here for tickets)


Performances through August 18


Even in the city of 8 million stories, it seems like producers keep putting up the same ones. So while I can’t recommend Ghetto Babylon, I’m happy to see kids like Charlie and his friends finally getting their due.

Michael Mejias’ new play about a trio of pals in the South Bronx expertly captures the community it depicts

Time Out
Michael Mejias’s coming-of-age Bronx tale, Ghetto Babylon, may have trouble on its follow-through, but man, it has a beautiful windup

(partial list)

Written by Michael Mejias

Directed by Gregory Simmons

Featuring Malik Ali, Sean Carvajal, Talia Marrero, Alejandro Rodriguez, Rodney Roldan, Andrew Schoomaker


Ghetto Babylon