The Film Society – Location, Tickets, Reviews


The Film Society – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The Film Society is the Keen Company’s 25th anniversary revival of the play by Jon Robin Baitz (Other Desert Cities).

The play is a story of struggle in 1970s South Africa. It is set in an all-white boys school. Following a radical teacher’s invitation to a black minister to address the student body, the school’s administration finds itself in an uproar with furious parents transferring out their children. Jonathan, the assistant headmaster and founder of the school’s film society, is forced to choose between the conservatives in power at his school and in his country and his activist colleague and friend, while striving to sustain his beloved film society. Despite his best efforts to avoid involvement, Jonathan is forced to decide what he thinks is best for the school.

Recommended if. . .

  • You like weighty discussions of political and moral dilemmas;
  • You like actor Euan Mortion (best known for his performance as Boy George in the musical Taboo);
  • You like playwright Jon Robin Baitz;
  • You’re a sucker for a South African accent, even if not particularly well done; and
  • You enjoy plays that explore a particular time and place, in this case apartheid-era South Africa.


Clurman Theatre on Theatre Row
410 West 42nd Street, New York City
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2 hours and 15 minutes, 1 intermission


$62.50 (click here for tickets)


Performances through October 26



Time Out New York 
Jonathan Silverman’s direction … makes no compelling argument as to why this fledgling work deserves our renewed attention

New York Times
In a Divided Country, a Teacher Seeks Escape in the World of Movies

New York Post 
‘Film Society’ revival falls flat

The Keen Company presents a passable staging of a great play by Jon Robin Baitz.

Theatre Is Easy
Jon Robin Baitz’ breakthrough play examines politics, morality, and the complicated nature of loyalty against a backdrop of 1970 apartheid South Africa.

The Village Voice
The Film Society can’t quite make the leap from past to present

News Day
A naturalistic storyteller — a descendant of Ibsen via Arthur Miller — he uses everyday drama to push theater from the parlor into the political.

Theater Pizzazz
Trouble at Blenheim Boys School

Off Off Online
Edging Into The Ruling Class


Revival of Jon Robin Baitz’s The Film Society, Starring Euan Morton and Roberta Maxwell, Begins Off-Broadway.

(partial list)

Written by Jon Robin Baitz

Directed by Jonathan Silverstein

Featuring Gerry Bamman, David Barlow, Richmond Hoxie, Roberta Maxwell, Euan Morton, Mandy Siegfried


The Film Society