Bike America – Location, Tickets, Reviews


Bike America – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Kicking off Ma-Yi Theater Company’s 25th anniversary season, Bike America is the story of a scenic cross-country journey.

The heroine of the play, Penny, is a 27-year-old graduate school student seeking more adventure in her life. On a whim, she ditches her clingy boyfriend and departs Boston, where she has lived her entire life, to embark on a three-month bike tour from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Per road-trip-storytelling-conventions, which this play both adopts and contravenes, along the way Penny meets an interesting array of people, confronts many challenges, and becomes only more confused.

The creative team skillfully packs the trek across multiple states onto the stage with lively pictures depicting U.S. landmarks. Cruising along on stage with creative theme modified bikes, the actors create an engaging theatrical experience. The play includes tragic and comedic elements with thoughtful commentary on identity, politics, love, nihilism and despair, and a few clever gags.

Note: Brief scenes of nudity.


Theatre at St. Clement’s
423 West 46th Street
New York City
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1 hour 35 minutes, no intermission


$15-35 (Click here for tickets)


Performances through October 20, 2013


Bike America is a darkly humorous take on the cross-country-self-discovery journey.

New York Post
Bike-trip Take Comes Up Flat

Theater Is Easy
A send-up of our great nation, as seen through the eyes of a snarky, self-obsessed Millennial.

New York Theater Review
Mike Lew’s Bike America is the perfect time capsule for what has become dubbed as the millennial crisis, creating a rich and nuanced story with a very real and relatable heroine about a very real and relatable crisis.

Theater Pizzazz
It’s a Generational Thing!

Blog Critics
Bike America directed by Moritz von Stuelpnagel is a sometimes refreshing and sometimes “kick-ass” play about finding oneself and losing oneself as a 20-something.

Village Voice
Bike America Is a Trip Full of Verve.

(partial list)

Written by Mike Lew

Directed by Moritz von Stuelpnagel

Featuring Vandit Bhatt, Jessica DiGiovanni, Melanie Nicholls-King, David Shih, Marilyn Torres, Tom White, and Landon G. Woodson


Bike America