B. Madonna – Location, Tickets, Reviews

B. Madonna

B. Madonna – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Directed and choreographed by internationally acclaimed artist and performer Maureen Fleming, B. Madonna receives its New York premiere at La MaMa this season.

Meditating on miracle and loss, B. Madonna presents nine of Fleming’s new and repertory dance pieces, all solo performances. The production transcends cultural boundaries, incorporating aesthetic elements from Eastern and Western traditions, and breaks down barriers between art forms with skillful use of video projections, lighting, text, and music. Fleming’s body is pliable and her movements are slow and fluid. The flowing images she creates, with all kinds of difficult contortion, are poetic and compelling.

Recommended if:

  • You are a fan of Maureen Fleming;
  • You are a fan of Philip Glass;
  • You enjoy delicate dance performances enhanced with multi-media;
  • You’re looking for experimental performance that is proven and remarkable; or
  • You’re planning a sophisticated evening out or date.

Note: Contains nudity.


La MaMa, Ellen Stewart Theatre
66 East 4th Street
New York City
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1 hours and 25 minutes, one intermission


$10-$25 (click here for tickets)


Performances through November 3


NYTheater Now
A powerful evening of butoh-like dance by the performance artist Maureen Fleming.

New York Theater Review
B. Madonna at La MaMa continually transcended the state of theatrical expectations and constructed a state of perpetual presence which wasn’t unlike the effect of viewing the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls.


Directed, choreographed, and performed by Maureen Fleming

Text by David Henry Hwang

Light and Visual design by Christopher Odo

Videography by Christopher Odo, Jeff Bush

Sound Design by Brett R. Jarvis

Music by Guy Klucevsek, Kaoru Watanabe, Philip Glass

Live piano by Bruce Brubaker


B. Madonna