After People Like You – Location, Tickets

After People Like You

After People Like You – Location, Tickets

After People Like You is a simply staged play that takes place on a subway car at some point in a future New York City after an apocalyptic event. It’s never explained exactly what happened. The audience must piece together the backstory based on intermittent references to surges, waves, and toxic air. Whether the disaster was natural or man-made is also unknown, although one character joined the military following the incident and seems to have engaged in some type of combat. Service on the R train seems to have been largely unaffected.

The story isn’t focused on the larger disaster but rather the inter-personal conflict that developed in connection with the disaster between the two couples in the subway car. There’s a surprise ending that we won’t reveal but it is only fair to warn anyone with PTSD or subway-disaster-phobias, you should probably avoid this show.


Classic Stage Company
136 East 13th Street
New York City 
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One hour and ten minutes, no intermission


Through December 14, 2013


$12-$18 (click to purchase tickets from Brown Paper Tickets, the official online ticket seller for After People Like You)


Written by Jason Pizzarello

Directed by Anna Brenner

Featuring Lily Dorment, Maria McConville, Davy Raphaely, and Joel Ripka


After People Like You