Musicals Tonight!

Musicals Tonight!

Musicals Tonight!

Musicals Tonight! is an OBIE Award winning New York City theater company dedicated to the revival of “neglected musicals.” Now in it’s 16th season Musicals Tonight! has revived over 70 musicals as staged concerts.

Musicals Tonight! hosts staged musicals and a concert series called “At This Performance” at which standbys and understudies in currently running shows sing the hit songs from their shows. All performances are $25.


Staged concerts

October 22 – November 3, 2013
A 1986 musical comedy about a California beauty pageant by Marvin Hamlisch’s 
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Come Summer
March 4 – 16, 2014
Music by David Baker, lyrics by Will Holt, starred Ray Bolger in 1969
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For Goodness Sake
March 18-30, 2014
By George & Ira Gershwin, which starred Fred and Adele Astaire in 1922
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America’s Sweetheart
April 1 – 13, 2014
By Rogers & Hart, from 1931, a musical about two young lovers on the road to Hollywood
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“At this performance” concert series

Monday, October 14, 2013
Monday, October 27, 2013
Monday, March 10, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014

Performances begin at 7:00 pm

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The Lion Theatre
410 West 42nd St. (between 9th & 10th Avenues)
New York City
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(partial list)

Mexican Hayride
October 8-20, 2013
A Cole Porter musical comedy which hasn’t been seen since 1944

Strike Up the Band
March 12-24, 2013
Lyrics by Ira Gershwin and music by George Gershwin

Up in Central Park
March 29-April 10, 2011
Up in Central Park (1945) by Sigmund Romberg tells the story of Old New York during the time of the Tweed Ring and Thomas Nast


Musicals Tonight!