FRIGID: Key of E – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Key of E

FRIGID: Key of E – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Presented as part of the 2014 FRIGID New York theater festival, Key of E by the Orlando-based Dark Side of Saturn theater company is described as “an apocalyptic rock musical.”

Ethan is a bitter, drunk musician who can’t wait for the world to end so humanity can shed its dead weight and start again. A tidal wave hits and Ethan finds himself on an island of garbage with a group of strange characters. Turns out the end of the world isn’t the utopia Ethan had hoped. He spends the apocalypse confronting his personal demons – mostly his alcoholism – which take on physical shapes.

Dotted with musical numbers, Key of E has a charming design, engaging performances, and a striking puppet. The overarching story in particular has a lot of potential, and the script has some genuinely funny moments. But some elements are underdeveloped and others simply don’t work. The plot progression is clumsy and the narrator and his assistant, while entertaining, don’t contribute much. The conclusion is surprisingly uncathartic considering the ambitious truths and life lessons the production aims to address. Part of this may be due to the short 60-minute time frame. Perhaps with a longer run time more potential could be realized, but all the more reason for a tight production this go-around.

Public Opinion

Have you seen Key of E? What did you think? Comment below or Tweet us at @maxamoo.

Critics’ Reviews

Theatre is Easy
An apocalyptic rock musical that may be a little clunky, but still has some solid charm to offer.


$12 (click here for tickets)


Feb 24, 10:15pm

Mar 2, 3:40pm

Mar 4, 8:40pm

Mar 5, 10:15pm

March 7, 8:40pm


The Kraine Theater
85 East 4th Street
New York City
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1 hour, no intermission


Music, lyrics, and direction by Andy Matchett

Script by Corey Volence

Featuring Andy Matchett, Corey Volence, Marisa Quijano, Amanda Warren, Chaz Krivan, John Bateman, Scott Kerill, Justin Jones, Ethan Earls, Sara Gray


 Key of E