
Jane the Plain – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Jane the Plain

Jane the Plain – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Flux Theatre presents the world premiere of August Schulenburg’s Jane the Plain, a supernatural comedy that utilizes familiar high school archetypes to tell an uplifting tale of self-discovery and social conflict.

Jane the Plain yearns for Scotty the Hottie, the popular but oblivious Quarterback of Plainview High School. The two hookup and Jane sends her new beau a naked photo of herself. The photo quickly circulates (with the help of jealous cheerleader, Betty the Pretty) making Jane a subject of ridicule and humiliation. Jane then encounters a mystical “glowing girl” who turns her into the most beautiful girl in school. The switch from unnoticed to center of attention brings with it many dangerous, joyous, and highly unusual events in Jane’s life.


In Jane the Plain Schulenburg adapts a range of storytelling devices and styles of language to create an original and captivating story set in a location almost everyone will find familiar, a high school. The actors function both as characters and, as their characters, narrators who speak directly to the audience, often as a chorus in which each character says one sentence. It’s a unique twist on the traditional Greek chorus that supports storytelling clarity and doesn’t sacrifice momentum. Schulenburg also mixes poetry, unexpected in the high school setting, and colloquialisms, very much expected in the high school setting in the narration, further elevating the production into a refreshing mixed-genre experience.

At times the story is convoluted, which makes the production feel longer than 95 minutes, but the fresh and intelligent writing compensates for any narrative shortcomings. Director Kelly O’Donnell does a wonderful job creating a dynamic production despite the small stage and minimal set changes. The cast members deliver strong performances.

Critics’ Reviews

While this isn’t the greatest of the Flux productions I’ve seen, neither will it damage the troupe’s reputation as one of the most imaginative in New York or Schulenburg’s as perhaps downtown’s most colorfully inventive wordsmith of the stage.

Theatre Is Easy
A weird, funny, and fantastical look back at high school life.


$18 (click here for tickets)


Performances through May 24, 2014


4th Street Theatre
83 East 4th Street
New York City
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1  hour 35 minutes, no intermission

(partial list)

Written by August Schulenburg

Directed by Kelly O’Donnell

Featuring Becky Byers, Sol Crespo, Chester Poon, Alisha Spielmann, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Chinaza Uche


Flux Theatre: Jane the Plain