Gidion’s Knot – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Gidion's Knot

Gidion’s Knot – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Johnna Adams’ acclaimed play Gidion’s Knot depicts a single parent-teacher conference unfolding in real time. Austin Pendleton directs the New York City premiere at 59E59 Theaters.

In this play the mother of 5th grade student, Gidion, meets with his teacher, Ms. Clark, following Gidion’s suspension from school. But as Ms. Clark’s surprise and distress betray, this is no ordinary meeting. Both women are searching for answers, solace, and absolution. Was Gidion a victim or a bully? Was he oppressed by the system, neglected at home, neither, or both? Who is to blame for the events necessitating this meeting?


Gidion’s Knot is an intensely gripping play and a fine piece of writing. It unabashedly deconstructs the modern education system and the role of educators, parents and teachers alike, and questions who is responsible in the life of a child when something goes so horribly wrong. Adams offers no simple answers, and rebukes swift judgments. Gidion’s Knot challenges any conclusion reached too hastily.

Such a wordy and sensitive play requires two very strong performances, which are delivered. Both Karen Leiner (Corryn) and Dara O’Brien (Heather) give nuanced performances that are highly emotional but manage to avoid melodrama. Pendleton’s direction is minimal and naturalistic, which works well in the intimate space of 59E59’s Theater C.

Public Opinion

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Critics’ Reviews

None yet for this production.


$18 (click here for tickets)


Performances through March 9, 2014


59E59 Theaters
59 E. 59th Street
New York City
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1 hour 30 minutes, no intermission

(partial list)

Written by Johnna Adams

Directed by Austin Pendleton

Featuring Karen Leiner, Dara O’Brien


59E59 – Gidion’s Knot