FringeNYC: TRUTH, An American Opera about Sojourner Truth – Location, Tickets, Reviews


FringeNYC: TRUTH, An American Opera about Sojourner Truth – Location, Tickets, Reviews

History and music meet in TRUTH, An American Opera about Sojourner Truth, a riveting and touching opera rendition of the life and work of Sojourner Truth, an escaped slave who became a prominent abolitionist and feminist. Opera lovers, history lovers, or lovers of both would be pleased.

The progression of the narrative is a little confusing at times, but the music is great, the historical details are quite interesting, and the story is inspiring. The lead, Mari-Yan Pringle, is wonderful. A larger budget, bigger stage, and minor tweaking would bring this small production’s potential to the max.


Theatre 80
80 St. Marks Place

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1 hour 20 minutes, 1 brief intermission


$15 in advance, $18 at the door (click here for tickets)


Mon 8/12, 4:15pm
Fri 8/16, 7:45pm
Sat 8/17, 9:15pm
Sun 8/25, 5:45pm


The wonderful orchestration combined with the saga of our American history make for a wonderful opera. Go see it!

Theatre is Easy
A great American story, told in song, that leaved you wanting more

(partial list)

Music by Paula M. Kimper

Libretto by Talaya Delaney

Conceived and developed by Linda McInerney

Directed by Lori Holmes and Linda McInerney

Featuring Mari-Yan Pringle, Jorell Williams, Stephen Bienger, Joshua Price/Jaylen Fontaine, Heather Michele


TRUTH, An American Opera about Sojourner Truth
