FringeNYC: The TomKat Project – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The TomKat Project

FringeNYC: The TomKat Project – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The bizarre love triangle between Tom Cruise, Katy Holmes and the Church of Scientology may have come to an end, but that’s no reason to stop making fun of it. The TomKat Project is composed of seven actors playing 54 celebrities in total, in a comedy based on real interviews as well as completely made up scenes. It got great reviews when it first ran in Chicago. The Chicago Tribune called it “a near-perfect achievement” in the realm of fringe theater.

UPDATE [Thursday, August 22, 2013, 10am]

After seeing The TomKat Project, we can say the early praise was warranted. The play starts with playwright and narrator Brandon Ogborn introducing the premise: a dissection of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s marriage, based on real interviews, rumors, and the playwright’s imagination. The actors – all dressed in generic black – are summoned in turn to center stage to dramatize short scenes and anecdotes (some real, some made up). Being familiar with past tabloid stories isn’t necessary for enjoying the show, the narrator keeps viewers oriented by introducing each character and providing necessary background information.

The result is a clever and sharp production that blurs the boundaries between truth and speculation, real and imaginary, just what Fringe Festivals are for. It drags a little toward the end, but overall it is worth your time and the cost of admission.



The Players Theatre
115 McDougal Street
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1 hour 45 minute, 1 intermission


$15 in advance, $18 at the door (click here for tickets)


Thursday 8/22, 3:45pm
Friday 8/23, 9:45pm
Saturday 8/24, 2:15pm

(partial list)

Written by Brandon Ogborn

Directed by Elly Green

Featuring Brandon Ogborn, Julie Dahlinger, Walt Delaney, KEvin Knickerbocker, Micah Sterenberg, Brianna Baker, Allison Yolo


The TomKat Project
