FringeNYC: The Dead Hooker Play – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The Dead Hooker Play

FringeNYC: The Dead Hooker Play – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Of the many dark comedies debuting at this year’s Fringe Festival, The Dead Hooker Play stands out to us for the simple reason that the playwright’s bio reports he spent ten years as a bouncer and celebrity bodyguard.  He must’ve sees some crazy sh!t that found its way into this play, right? This is Mr. Decker’s third play at the NYC Fringe.

UPDATE: Sunday, August 18th, 8:00PM

During the first act, this show is everything one would hope/fear it would be: raunchy and absurd in every hilarious way possible. Then in a startling twist towards the serious Act I ends and Act II begins, re-telling and explaining the events of the night before. Scotty Decker, ex-bodyguard and writer, creates a bizarre, hilarious, and unexpectedly real journey out of the worst 12 hours in a young man’s life.


The Players Theatre
115 McDougal Street

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2 hours


$15 in advance, $18 at the door (click here for tickets)


Wednesday 8/21, 9:45pm
Thursday 8/22, 6:30pm


What begins as a shallow and sexist black comedy actually turns into a poignant, touching reflection on death, the misuse of life, and the morality of prostitution and euthanasia.

Usher Nonsense
Would I recommend The Dead Hooker? Definitely, for people who aren’t sensitive and have a wide sense of humor where there is a place for dark comedy.

NY Theatre
Decker and his team should be commended and this play is definitely worth a look.

(partial list)

Written by Scott Decker

Co-directed by Lindsay M. Stringfellow

Featuring Jim Conroy, Scott Decker, Madeleine James, Sean Modica, Maria Pastell


The Dead Hooker Play
