FringeNYC: Slaughterhouse-Five – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Slaughterhouse 5

FringeNYC: Slaughterhouse-Five – Location, Tickets, Reviews

An adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut’s influential novel Slaughterhouse-Five, about a timid World War 2 veteran who is abducted by aliens and travels through time. This satirical and philosophical story is retold with the help of several multimedia devices: video projections, visual art, and audio recordings.

The quick transitions between the micro-scenes that compose the play can be confusing and the satire gets a little lost in this somber rendition, but the cast is quite good and the use of multimedia — always a risky choice — actually works well on the small stage at the newly re-named Celebration of Whimsy a/k/a the C.O.W f/k/a The Living Theatre.


The Celebration of Whimsy (the C.O.W)
21-A Clinton Street

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1 hour 30 minutes, no intermission


$15 in advance, $18 at the door (click here for tickets)


Wednesday 8/14, 8:45pm
Saturday 8/17, 12pm
Tuesday 8/20, 6:45pm


New York Times
It doesn’t have any of the power of Vonnegut’s book, seeming instead merely like a homage to it

Sadly the choice of scenes paired with the overall soap opera-esque feeling of this production left me disappointed and confused.

(partial list)

Written by Daria Tavana

Based on a novel by Kurt Vonnegut

Directed by Jenny Beth Snyder

Featuring Jamie Effros, Rachel Berger, Anni Weisband, Christopher Travlos, Lena Hudson, Bruce Bluett, Zane Roberts, Quinn Coghlin, Dorothy James


True False Theatre
