FringeNYC: Manic Pixie Dream Girl – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Manic Pixie Dream Girl

FringeNYC: Manic Pixie Dream Girl – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Earlier this year there was a raft of comic book-y plays in New York City. Several were excellent. When done well we very much enjoy this genre.  Manic Pixie Dream Girl at this year’s Fringe is similarly styled and we have high hopes for it. The play is a dark comedy about a graphic novelist told in the style of a graphic novel, artwork and all.  Written by Katie May, it was commissioned and developed by PlayGround, a leading incubator for playwrights out of San Francisco. It premiered in San Francisco earlier this year to strong reviews from the Chronicle and the Examiner.


The Celebration of Whimsey (The C.O.W)
21 Clinton Street

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1 hour 10 minutes


$15 in advance, $18 at the door (click here for tickets)


August 9-August 16


FringeNYC 2013

Katie May’s new play Manic Pixie Dream Girl is a deceptively straightforward comedy that is capably directed, expertly performed, and made all the more compelling to watch thanks to shifting background artwork that mirrors key moments onstage.

Reviews of an earlier production in San Francisco, January 2013

San Francisco Examiner
‘Manic Pixie Dream Girl’ has punch

San Francisco Chronicle
If second thoughts pop up as soon as ‘Manic’ ends, it’s been a fun ride

(partial list)

 Written by Katie May

Directed by Jon Tracy

Artwork by Rob Dario

Featuring Antonio Alvarez, Liz Anderson, Michael Barrett Austin, Lyndsy Kail, Joshua Roberts,


Manic Pixie Dream Girl
