FringeNYC: Like Poetry – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Like Poetry

FringeNYC: Like Poetry – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Like Poetry tells the story of Stagger, a young man struggling with his homosexuality. His eccentric therapist gives him a prescription: read a Walt Whitman poem every night before bed. Soon, childhood memories, delusions about bugs, and the spirit of Walt Whitman flood Stagger as he is trying to come to terms with who he is.

The production is unfocused and clumsy but the story and themes are poignant and bold. Like Poetry is one on a long list of plays in the FringeNYC Festival focusing on gender, sex, and sexual identity, we doubt this is the best of the bunch.


The Ellen Stewart Theatre @ La Mama
66 East 4th Street

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2 hours, 1 intermission


$15 in advance, $18 at the door (click here for tickets)


Tue 8/13, 4:45pm
Wed 8/14, 7pm


I found myself being pulled away and emotionally distanced throughout this nearly two-hour, two-act play, by some of the devices and choices made by playwright O’Hare and director Audrey Alford

Time Out
Some crisp, bright moments help redeem the second act, but like the insects that Stagger obsesses about, they are all too short-lived


Written by Kristian O’Hare

Directed by Audrey Alford

Featuring Robert Crozier, Matt Renskers, Jim deProphetis, Andrew Dawson, Katie Braden, Brian Murphy, Pat Dwyer


Ivy Theatre Company
