FringeNYC: Cowboys Don’t Sing – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Cowboys Don't Sing

FringeNYC: Cowboys Don’t Sing – Location, Tickets, Reviews

We don’t fancy ourselves musical anthropologists at Maxamoo but it strikes us as odd that the intersection of musical theater and country western music is largely unexplored territory. One would think a dying medium would be eager to attach itself to the most popular genre of music in the U.S. Cowboys Don’t Sing, a musical comedy at this year’s NYC Fringe, does just that drawing on the people, places, and music of the old west.

A short version of Cowboys Don’t Sing won a slew of awards at last year’s West Village Musical Theatre Festival, including Best Musical, Best Lyrics, Best Direction, and Best Script. We’re looking forward to catching the full-length version at the Fringe. Here’s the show’s trailer.

UPDATE: Thursday, August 15, 2013

This show is funny, witty, and makes fun of classic western films. The actors onstage are having an infectiously good time with lots of winks at the audience. Due to time constraints, the show has a “seated intermission”, a show within a show about the kinds of small talk and brief connections made during intermission. It becomes a running gag for the rest of the show. The music is fun and the jokes had the audience in tears on the night Maxamoo attended.

UPDATE: Thursday, September 5, 2013

Cowboys Don’t Sing won an Overall Excellence Award at FringeNYC 2013 for Book, Music, and Lyrics and it was selected for an extended run as part of the FringeNYC Encores Series.


The Players Theater
115 MacDougal Street (between Bleecker and Houston Streets)
New York City

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1 hour 45 minutes


$18 (click here for tickets)


Thursday 9/12 at 7PM
Sunday 9/15 at 7PM
Wednesday 9/25 at 7PM 
Thursday 9/26 at 9PM


Theater in the Now
This here town is a singin’ town. Throw in some racist jokes and witty musical theater spoofs, Cowboys is a fun farce.

There’s only one real cowboy in Cowboys Don’t Sing, which is showing as part of the New York International Fringe Festival, and true to the title, much of the plot hinges on his refusal to give voice to so much as a note (though not for the reasons you might expect).

(partial list)

Written and directed by Dennis Flynn

Music by Johnny Kelley

Additional score by T. J. Alcalá

Featuring  T. J. Alcalá, Megan Beaty, Matthew Burns, Justin Clark, Michael Dahlgren, Michelle Flowers, Isobel Menard, Terence Petersen, Tim Rozmus, Jeffrey Sharkey, Nora Geraghty, Steve Tyson, Matt van Orden, Pam Zazzarino


Cowboys Don’t Sing: A Western Musical
