FRIGID: Steve: A Docu-Musical – Location, Tickets, Reviews

STEVE: A Docu-Musical

FRIGID: Steve: A Docu-Musical – Location, Tickets, Reviews

A few years ago, Colin Summers opened a business – send him an original poem and he will produce it into a song. The business was not going very well, until Colin received an email from Steve, a middle-aged man in Australia.

Steve hired Colin to make a song from one of his poems. And then Steve sent a second poem, and a third, and so on. Soon Steve was sending emails about other things too: random thoughts, questions, and pieces of information about himself.

5 years, 100 songs, and over 6,000 emails later, Colin has a one-man show at the FRIGID New York Theater Festival about this true tale. In STEVE: A Docu-Musical, Colin tells the story of this strange, fascinating man he has never met, but with whom he developed a friendship. Colin shares their email exchanges, performs excerpts from their songs, and showcases Steve’s self-published books and technological endeavors.

This is a fascinating, funny, and strangely moving show. Colin takes care to emphasize that the story he is telling is Steve’s, not his own. Despite his ample charisma and charm, Colin does not overshadow his protagonist. Colin’s respect for and sympathy towards this odd man are palpable. We’re just sorry the show lasted only 60 minutes. We wanted to hear more.

Public Opinion

Love from the Twittersphere:

@daliawithnoh: Steve: A Docu-musical by @NessaNorich and Colin is a great piece of theater. Three more chances to see it in NYC.

@tranquilite: Supporting Frigid New York artists! “Steve: a Docu-Musical” = hilariously touching. (@ UNDER St. Marks Theater) 

Did you see STEVE: A Docu-Musical? What did you think? comment below or tweet us at @maxamoo

Critics’ Review

New York Theatre Review
Catch it now because it’s a real treat. I look forward to the future iterations and productions of this tender-hearted gem.

NYtheater Now
Overall, though, this show is a real hoot and definitely one of my favorites in the eight years I’ve been seeing Frigid Festival shows. You should really go and get to know Steve.


$10 (click here for tickets)


Mar 3, 7:05pm
Mar 9, 3:40pm


UNDER St. Marks
94 St. Marks Place
New York City
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1 hour, no intermission

(partial list)

Written and performed by Colin Summers

Directed by Nessa Norich


FRIGID Festival – Steve: A Docu-Musical