Twelfth Night/Richard III – Location, Tickets, Reviews

twelfth night richard iii

Twelfth Night/Richard III – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Twelfth Night and Richard III, from Shakespeare’s Globe in London, are now running in repertory at the Belasco Theatre.

These versions of Twelfth Night and Richard III offer a production loyal to the Bard’s time, including an all-male cast, period costumes, and audience seats surrounding the stage on three-sides. Both productions are directed by Tim Carroll and star two-time Tony Award winner and Shakespearean master Mark Rylance. Stephen Fry is making his Broadway acting debut as Malvolio in Twelfth Night.

Critics unanimously extolled both plays, but showed a preference to Twelfth Night. The New York Times highly recommends the shows calling Twelfth Night “peerless” and Richard III “vibrant and shivery.” TheaterMania says these productions are “beautifully designed and well-acted” but  note that “If you have to choose one, go with Twelfth Night“. New York Magazine aptly concluded the same, saying that “Richard, as presented here, is a compelling curiosity; Twelfth Night is sublime.”

Before each show, the cast applies make-up and gets dressed in their lavish costumes on stage while a live band plays. It’s been touted as an extraordinary process to witness. You’re advised to arrive 20 minutes early to catch the pre-show festivities.

The performance schedule was extended by two weeks through February 16, 2014. Most of the additional performances are of Twelfth Night.


Belasco Theatre
111 West 44th Street
New York City
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Twelfth Night: 2 hours 50 minutes, one intermission

Richard III: 3 hours, one intermission


Twelfth Night $27.00-249.00 (click here for tickets)

Richard III $27.00-249.00 (click here for tickets)


Twelfth Night runs through February 16, 2014

Richard III runs through February 15, 2014


New York Times
Boys Will Be Boys (and Sometimes Girls)

NBC New York
“Twelfth Night,” “Richard III” Offer Shakespeare for the Purist

This audacious presentation of two of Shakespeare’s classics in repertory deserves your attention.

New York Magazine
Say What You Will About Twelfth Night and Richard III

The visit from Shakespeare’s Globe is Big-Event Theater at its most deeply satisfying, least hyped-up and prepackaged best.

[T]hese amazing thespians faithfully observe the theatrical rituals and customs of Elizabethan times, including the tradition of playing broad comedy directly to the rowdy groundlings in the cheap seats.

The Hollywood Reporter
Shakespeare without tears or tedium doesn’t come close to describing the joy of this uniquely thrilling theatrical experience.

Theatre Is Easy
One of the greatest Shakespearean actors of our age is back in New York with an unusual but triumphant double bill.

(partial list)

Written by William Shakespeare

Directed by Tim Carroll

Twelfth Night features Liam Brennan, Matt Harrington, Kurt Egyiawan, Samuel Barnett, Terry McGinity, Colin Hurley, Paul Chahidi , Angus Wright, Peter Hamilton Dyer, Mark Rylance, Stephen Fry, John Paul Connolly, Joseph Timms, Jethro Skinner, Bryan Paterson

Richard III features Mark Rylance, Liam Brennan , Peter Hamilton Dyer, Paul Chahidi, Joseph Timms, Terry McGinity, Samuel Barnett, Matt Harrington, Angus Wright, John Paul Connolly, Jethro Skinner, Colin Hurley, Kurt Egyiawan, Matthew Schechter, Hayden Signoretti, Bryan Paterson


Twelfth Night/Richard III