A Time to Kill – Location, Tickets, Reviews

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A Time to Kill – Location, Tickets, Reviews

John Grisham’s well-known novel, A Time to Kill, has shed its book cover for a turn in the limelight.

The tale of a Southern community divided by a horrendous crime, A Time to Kill tells the story of Carl Lee Hailey, a black man on trial for taking the law into his own hands, and his young, white, and dreamy-eyed lawyer, Jack Brigance.

Adapted for the stage by Rupert Holmes and directed by Ethan McSweeny, A Time to Kill weaves a suspenseful thriller into a courtroom drama. It prods the tender issue of race, pushing moral boundaries and encouraging its audience to ponder the true meaning of justice and innocence.

The critics don’t appear to care much for the production. The consensus seems to be adequate but bland. In a derisive review, The New York Times said the “workmanlike version of Mr. Grisham’s book never succeeds in generating much steam as it moves.”

UPDATE, November 6, 2013

The A Time to Kill production announced it is closing early. The last performance will be November 17, 2013.


The John Golden Theatre
252 West 45th Street
New York City
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2 hours and 30 minutes, 1 intermission


$69.50 – $225.00 (click here for tickets from Telecharge, the official online ticket seller for A Time to Kill)


Performances through November 17, 2013



New York Times
If you’re a Grisham obsessive with a C-note burning a hole in your pocket — not to mention two-and-a-half hours of time to slay — by all means, come on down, y’all! But in a Broadway season quickly beginning to gather its own steam, this mechanical legal procedural cannot, I’m afraid, even outdo the competition in constant rotation on TV.

USA Today
However cliche-ridden, Holmes’ Kill is more sharply drawn than the 1996 film adaptation of the novel, and does a better job weaving folksy humor into the disturbing and pompously wrought story. It helps that there’s less cinematic melodrama — though this production does include creepy projected images (designed by Jeff Sugg) such as a Ku Klux Klan rally and a burning house, accompanied by incidental music (by Lindsay Jones) that’s heavy on wailing blues-guitar riffs.

A thriller of the sort rarely seen on BRoadway these days, John Grisham’s ‘A Time to Kill’ brings a satisfying, if unsettling, courtroom drama to the GOlden Theatre with an engaging cast playing juicy dramatic characters in a lurid tale spiked with a mild frisson of sex.

The Hollywood Reporter
An illustrated audio book that makes an unconvincing case for theatrical presentation.


Real Events Make Play ‘A Time to Kill’ Resonate

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New York Times
Next Act for Master of the Page-Turner: John Grisham’s ‘A Time to Kill’ Comes to Broadway

The Wrap
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CBS New York
‘A Time to Kill’ Set to Take on Broadway

Associated Press
John Grisham’s ‘A Time to Kill’ Adapted for Broadway Stage

(partial list)

Adapted for the stage by Rupert Holmes

Directed by Ethan McSweeny

Featuring Tom Skerritt, Fred Dalton Thompson, Sebastian Arcelus, John Douglas Thompson, Ashley Williams, Patrick Page, Tonya Pinkins, Chike Johnson, Jeffrey M. Bender, Dashiell Eaves, J.R. Horne, John Procaccino, Tijuana Ricks, and Lee Sellars


A Time to Kill on Broadway