The Glass Menagerie – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The revival of Tennessee Williams’s classic, The Glass Menagerie, opened to (almost uniformly) strong reviews. Ben Brantley in The New York Times lauded the production, saying viewers should “be prepared to have the breath knocked out of you” and calling the direction “stunning” and the acting “career defining.” Scott Brown in New York Magazine said “I’m not sure what the two-thousand-teens did to earn this beautiful oubliette of a production . . . This is a grand and true illusion, not just to be lauded and gawked at—though you will, and that’s appropriate—but studied.” We haven’t seen it, but superlatives like that don’t come along that often.

This semi-autobiographical play focuses on the Wingfield family – the overbearing mother, Amanda, and her two children, the timid, disabled Laura and Tom, who is plotting an escape from his difficult family. The fallen-from-grace Amanda is determined to find her daughter a suitor and pushes Tom to assist. As narrator, Tom tells the story of the night he brought his colleague Jim home for dinner. 

The big names in this revival are veteran actress Cherry Jones who plays Amanda and Zachary Quinto, best known as Spock in the recent Star Trek movies, who plays Tom. Both have been widely celebrated for their renditions of these famous roles. Of course there are detractors: Rex Reed wrote that Jones “flaps around like a spastic penguin, even when she’s supposed to be showing us the pathetic and vulnerable side of Amanda, living in the past, anointing herself with daydreams of girlhood beaux, picnics and yellow jonquils.” Reed’s review is a significant departure from the majority response to this show.

The production has a limited run of 17 weeks.

UPDATE, October 4, 2013

The production added additional performances through February 23, 2014.


The Booth Theatre
222 West 45th Street, New York City
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2 hours 40 minutes, one intermission


$42-$252 (click here for tickets)


Extended through February 23, 2014


Huffington Post
It’s downright dismaying to see an American classic ruined


New York Post
Style counts more than words in “Glass Menagerie”

New York Theater
Zachary Quinto, Cherry Jones bring Tennessee Williams home

New York Times
Wounded by broken memories

Zachary Quinto and Cherry Jones star in a bold and compelling revival of the Tennessee Williams classic

Time Out New York
This fresh and keenly urgent production feels like a triumphant homecoming

USA Today
Broadway’s new Glass Menagerie sparkles, haunts

This is a grand and true illusion, not just to be lauded and gawked at—though you will, and that’s appropriate—but studied.

(partial list)

Written by Tennessee Williams

Directed by John Tiffany

Featuring Zachary Quinto, Cherry Jones, Celia Keenan-Bolger, Brian J. Smith


The Glass Menagerie