Bronx Bombers – Location, Tickets, Reviews

bronx bombers

Bronx Bombers – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Bronx Bombers is a play about the fabled New York City Yankees (in case you’re new to this planet, the Yankees are a baseball team). Bronx Bombers is joining theater’s major leagues at Circle In the Square Theatre starting January 10, 2014.

Written and directed by Tony Award nominee Eric Simonson (Lombardi, Magic/Bird), this homage to the Yankees revolves around legendary player-turned-coach Yogi Berra. No worries about your favorite Yankees from other eras not making an appearance, they all show up in a dream sequence in the second act, including Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Lou Gehrig, and Mickey Mantle.

Bronx Bombers produced by Primary Stages had a short run at The Duke on 42nd Street in the Fall of 2013, the reviews were mixed: Time Out said “This fan letter to the Yankees is no home run” and the New York Times lamented the Yankees “deserve better than this mawkish and sappy effort.” On the other hand, NYTheater Now called it “a highly entertaining evening” and TheaterMania said that Simonson “manages to make this meeting not only engaging but edge-of-your-seat compelling.”

The new production is backed by the New York Yankees and Major League Baseball. Veterans actors Peter Scolari and Tracy Shayne, real life husband and wife, will star as Yogi and Carmen Berra.

UPDATE, February 7, 2014

Bronx Bombers opened yesterday, February 6, 2014. It is uncommon for critics to have a unanimous opinion about a show. This production, however, managed to unite the critics, though not in a good way. A sampling of the reviews: “doomed” New York Magazine; “a shamelessly reverent love letter to the Yankees — or rather the myths the Yankees built around themselves” New York Post; “not the best” TheaterMania; and “noticeably lacking in drama” Variety. Meanwhile Theater Pizzazz recommended it for baseball fans but also conceded “you might feel you could have spent your money and time elsewhere.”

Critic reviews

New York Times
If You Stage It, They Will Come

What was once a sweet, well-meaning journey through history now just reminds us of the 2013 Yankees lineup: not the best.

New York Magazine
Bronx Bombers Makes Too Many Wrong Mistakes

New York Post
Bronx Bombers play fails to hit it out of the park

Theater Pizzazz
If you’re not a fan of baseball, you might feel you could have spent your money and time elsewhere, but for those (like someone I know – old enough to remember watching Joe DiMaggio and the Yankees from his rooftop in the Bronx), the talented cast will bring warm and fuzzy memories.

New York Theater
The Yankees Foul

Video review


$67.00-227.00 (click here for tickets)


January 10 through March 2, 2014


Circle In The Square Theatre
235 West 50th Street
New York City
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1 hours 50 minutes, including one intermission


New York Times
A Broadway Run for ‘Bronx Bombers’

Peter Scolari and Tracy Shayne on the Legacy of the New York Yankees and Bronx Bombers on Broadway

Entertainment Weekly
Yogi Berra on Broadway?! Peter Scolari to star in ‘The Bronx Bombers’

(partial list)

Conceived by Fran Kirmser

Written and directed by Eric Simonson

Featuring Peter Scolari, Francois Battiste, Chris Henry Coffery, Bill Dawes, Christopher Jackson, Keith Nobbs, Tracy Shayne, John Wemke, C.J. Wilson

Official Website

Bronx Bombers