Early Buzz: All the Way

All the Way

Early Buzz: All the Way

You might know Bryan Cranston best as Breaking Bad’s Walter White or the dad from Malcolm in the Middle, but now he is taking on a presidential role for the stage. In All The Way, a political drama premiering in New York on February 10, 2014, Cranston portrays President Lyndon B. Johnson during his first tumultuous year as president.

All the Way begins immediately after the murder of John F. Kennedy, in November 1963, and focuses on Johnson’s involvement with passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The supporting cast, including Michael McKean, Brandon J. Dirden, and Roslyn Ruff, portray other historical figures of the time such as Hubert Humphrey, Martin Luther King, Coretta Scott King, J. Edgar Hoover, and George Wallace.

Reviews were fairly positive, especially for Cranston’s performance, when the production ran at the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge, Massachusetts last fall with much of the same cast. Variety called Cranston’s performance “dazzling,” Rolling Stone – “electric”, and the New York Times, despite some reservations regarding the dramatic merits of the play, said that Cranston “cuts a vigorous, imposing figure as L.B.J.”


$52-$137 (click here to purchase tickets from Ticketmaster, the official online ticket seller for All the Way)


Performances begin February 10, 2014 (official opening March 6, 2014)


Neil Simon Theater
250 West 52nd Street
New York City
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Huffington Post
Bryan Cranston to make his Broadway debut in ‘All the Way’

New York Times
‘All the Way,’ with Bryan Cranston, sets Broadway opening date

“Breaking Bad” star Bryan Cranston takes on American Politics as LBJ in All the Way

Past Reviews

A.R.T Cambridge Run, 2013

The Boston Globe
Bryan Cranston delivers LBJ’s Outsize presence in ‘All the Way’

New York Times
An Arm-Twister in the Oval Office

Entertainment Weekly
All the Way is never dull, but the three-hour play is seriously overstuffed

Rolling Stone
Bryan Cranston explores another side of power as LBJ

Cranston gives a dazzling performance in an action-packed new play about a seismic moment in American history

(partial list)

Written by Robert Schenkkan

Directed by Bill Rauch

Featuring Bryan Cranston, James Eckhouse, John McMartin, Michael McKean, Brendon J. Dirden, Rob Campbell, Robert Petkoff, Roslyn Ruff


All the Way