Alone in Triptych – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Alone in Triptych

Alone in Triptych – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Concrete Temple Theater presents the world premiere of Alone in Triptych, a dark drama composed of three intertwining monologues with the shared themes of abuse, isolation, and violence.

“Monologues” may not be the most apt description: the three characters don’t talk directly to the audience or to themselves, but rather to specific people who do not appear on stage. The audience learns about the unseen person’s portion of the conversation only through the speaking character’s responses.

Leeann is talking to her boyfriend only to learn that he is accused of raping a teenage girl; Lori is talking to her abusive husband, trying to appease him; and Remi is talking to the 12 year-old girl that he kidnapped in the hopes of keeping her from the evils of the world.


The play crams three complex and delicate narratives into its short 75 minute run time. It’s a bold move that, unfortunately, doesn’t pay off, instead producing oversimplified stories.

The writing and performances are sensitive enough to avoid a sense of exploitation but the one-sided conversation format and the grim events taking place in such a short time-span make for an experience that is exhausting and not satisfying. There is not enough time and the format is too restrictive for the stories to naturally unfold and the characters to fully develop.

Public Opinion

Have you seen Alone in Triptych? What did you think? Comment below or tweet to us at @maxamoo.

Critics’ Review

NYtheater Now
The technicalities of the craft of the play didn’t quite deliver on the excitement, the poetry, the promise of mixing mythology and the modern world that the description of the play left me craving for.

Alone in Triptych has an interesting metaphor at its core: three lives juxtaposed like the three panels of a triptych. But it might have benefited from focusing on only one or two.

Talkin’ Broadway
In addition to the smart writing and fine direction, and despite the play’s painful subject matter, it is the excellent acting that makes Alone In Triptych a rewarding theatrical experience.

Woman Around Town
It is drama, as it should be, with fine writing and flawless direction; one that gives the audience a powerful theatrical experience.


$18 (click to purchase tickets)


Performances through March 30, 2014


HERE Arts Center
145 Sixth Avenue
New York City
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1 hour 15 minutes, no intermission

(partial list)

Written by Renee Philippi

Directed by Renee Philippi and Eric Nightengale

Featuring Vera Beren, Catherine Porter, Michael Tomlinson


HERE: Alone in Triptych