Almost, Maine – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Almost, Maine

Almost, Maine – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Written by John Cariani, Almost, Maine is the most staggeringly popular play you’ve never heard of (or maybe you have, we’re split 50/50 on the issue). It is currently the most produced play in North American high-schools. That fact notwithstanding, the show did not fare well at its New York premiere in 2006 and it closed after a month. Now, the Transport Group is giving it another chance.

Almost, Maine is composed of nine short vignettes, all about love in its various shapes and forms. The scenes are variously realistic, abstract, symbolic, hyper-literal, quirky, heartfelt, and funny. In the Transport Group’s rendition all of the play’s 19 characters are played by 4 actors —  Kelly McAndrew, Donna Lynne Champlin, Kevin Isola, and, playwright, John Cariani — who quickly swap identities to depict the many residents of this fictional Northern Maine town.


We understand why high-schoolers are so captivated by this production; for one, it offers many acting roles. But more than that, it treats love in the purest (some might say, naive) way possible. It is a heartwarming, feel-good play that doesn’t dig too deep and maintains a bearable balance of saccharine warmth and wit. As the play ended, we uttered a vocal “awwww” but we weren’t sure if it was ironic or not.

This revival contains four talented performers who tap into the sentiment of the play effortlessly. The vignettes are uneven in quality but there are enough genuinely endearing moments to make the experience worth while.


For dates, especially on or around Valentine’s Day;

If you can turn off your cynicism for more than an hour; OR

If you find snow romantic, even after this horrendous polar vortex.

Public Opinion

Both the audience in the hall and the twittersphere seem to be enjoying this production:

@PataphysicalSci: A day later and I’m still thinking about some of the stories in ALMOST, MAINE (I’d never read or seen it). And the set. What a sweet show.

@ChristopherGurr: I loved this. Go see it: Almost Maine @TransportGrp …

Have you seen Almost, Maine? What did you think? Comment below or tweet us at @maxamoo

Critics’ Reviews

New York Times
When Love Hits, It Can Really Send You Reeling

New York Post 
‘Almost, Maine’ boasts a quirky charm

New York Daily News
The chilly north holds some warm whimsy in revival of John Cariani play co-starring Donna Lynne Champlin and Kevin Isola

New York Theater
Triumphant New York Return Of Magical Tales About Love

Time Out New York
It’s a big, saccharine snow job that leaves you cold.

The sexually frustrated citizens of a fictional Maine town come back to New York in the off-Broadway revival of one of the world’s favorite plays.

Theater Pizzazz
What’s to do in Almost, Maine?


$55-$65 (click here for tickets)


Performances through March 2, 2014


The Gym at Judson
243 Thompson Street
New York City
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2 hours, including 1 intermission

(partial list)

Written by John Cariani

Directed by Jack Cummings III

Featuring John Cariani, Kelly McAndrew, Donna Lynne Champlin, and Kevin Isola


Transport Group: Almost, Maine