London Wall – Location, Tickets, Reviews

London Wall

London Wall – Location, Tickets, Reviews

John Van Druten wrote London Wall in 1931. At the time, it had a successful run on London’s West End but never made it to the U.S. Now, thanks to the Mint Theater Company, a company dedicated to the production of forgotten plays, London Wall is having a long overdue U.S. premiere. Davis McCallum (The Whale, The Few) directs this production. It extended twice and is now playing through April 20, 2014.

A comedy with substance, London Wall focuses on the female typists in a solicitor’s office. Ms. Janus, an experienced and prickly typist, has been on the job for ten unsatisfying years. Ms. Pat Milligan, a naive newcomer, is wooed by their sleazy boss. The two women form a sisterly bond as Ms. Janus tries to steer the naive Pat away from the slick lawyer.


While light and entertaining in nature, London Wall addresses the serious complexities of gender politics in the 1930s workplace and, in many ways, today too: objectification, oppression, and inequality in pay and stature. Trying to navigate this man-dominated world, the leading ladies in London Wall demonstrate bold and admirable independence.

It is surprisingly fresh and relevant for a play that’s over 80 years old, both in its character design and dialogue. Much of the credit goes to Davis McCallum’s dynamic direction, which utilizes the excellent cast and the beautiful set, by Marion Williams, to maximum effect. Everyone delivers delicious and meticulous comedic performances, with special mentions deserved for Julia Coffey (Ms. Janus), Christopher Sears (as an awkward writer secretly in love with Pat), and Katie Gibson (as the frivolous typist Ms. Bufton). It’s a thoroughly enjoyable production.

Public Opinion

 @DaveCarlinTV: Snappy, charming, splendid! Great production. John Van Druten’s “London Wall” @MintTheaterCo

Have you seen London Wall? What did you think? Comment below or tweet us at @maxamoo.

Critics’ Review

Wide praise for this production:

New York Times
In 1930s Britain, an Office Lothario and the Women Who Endure Him

New York Post
1931 office comedy ‘London Wall’ gets deserved NY premiere 

Time Out New York
The playwright’s best work (such as The Voice of the Turtle or Bell, Book and Candle) was still ahead of him, but McCallum & Co. playfully whip potential melodrama into involving, insightful entertainment.

The director and ensemble have delivered the meaningful currency of this wonderful playwright who is undergoing a resurgence, as well he should

NYtheater Now
This play presents themes of gender wage gap and sexual harassment in a brilliantly nuanced production directed by Davis McCallum.

Office Hours

Theatre Is Easy
his American premiere of John Van Druten’s 1931 play proves both entertaining and relevant to modern audiences.

Though it is one of Van Druten’s lesser-known works, London Wall deserves a spot in the 20th century theater canon, and the Mint has wisely returned this entertaining and important work to the stage in an inspired production.

Theater Pizzazz
London Wall is not Van Druten’s best work. At times the play is heavy-handed, but more often touching and heartfelt.

Village Voice 
London Wall Charms at the Mint Theater


$27.50-$65 (click here for tickets)


Extended through April 26, 2014


The Mint Theater
311 West 43rd Street
New York City
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2 hours 40 minutes, 2 intermissions

(partial list)

Written by John Van Druten

Directed by Davis McCallum

Set design by Marion Williams

Featuring Matthew Gumley, Stephen Plunkett, Alex Trow, Julia Coffey, Elise Kibler, Laurie Kennedy, Christopher Sears, Katie Gibson, Jonathan Hogan


The Mint Theater Company – London Wall