Early Buzz: The Complete & Condensed Stage Directions of Eugene O’Neill, Volume 2

The Complete and Condensed Stage Directions of Eugene O'Neill, Vol. 2

Early Buzz: The Complete & Condensed Stage Directions of Eugene O’Neill, Volume 2

The New York Neo-Futurists are reprising the innovative concept behind their Drama Desk Award nominated production The Complete & Condensed Stage Directions of Eugene O’Neill Volume 1: Early Plays/Lost Plays, and bringing Volume 2 to the stage.  

The Neos are best known for their weekly sketch show Two Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind, every Friday and Saturday at the Kraine Theater in the East Village. In 2011, they produced Stage Directions Volume 1. As the name suggests, it is a performance based on O’Neill’s elaborate stage directions. The Neos remove the dialogue and plot and turn O’Neill’s dramatic plays into what they call a “rip-roaring physical comedy.” Volume 1 was a big hit for The Neos. The New York Times noted it “sounds like the title of an exceptionally dreary doctoral thesis, but the show, adapted and directed by Christopher Loar, is something far more enjoyable, an impish illustration of how lively entertainment can be created from theatrical spare parts.”

Volume 2 spans O’Neill’s plays from 1913-1915 and includes Recklessness, Warnings, Fog, Abortion, and The Sniper.


$20-$25 (click here for tickets)


April 17 – May 11, 2014


Theater for the New City
155 First Avenue
New York City
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1 hour 25 minutes, no intermission


The New York Neo-Futurists