The Gin Baby – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Gin Baby

The Gin Baby – Location, Tickets, Reviews

The Gin Baby is the story of a young, attractive woman’s mental breakdown, fueled by alcohol, and triggered by an unsuccessful acting audition. As is often the case, this mental breakdown includes lots of yelling, throwing of things, sexual misadventures, confrontations with past lovers, and ultimately concludes with an extended involuntary stay at a mental hospital.


The thing about mental breakdowns is that they are unpleasant and a person having one is challenging company. This is true whether the person is a friend, family member, complete stranger on the subway, or character on stage. It’s a compliment to the production to say the breakdown witnessed here is no less unpleasant.

Anyone with triggering concerns related to sexual assault, suicide, or self-harming should exercise caution when attending this production.

Public Opinion

Have you seen The Gin Baby? What did you think? Share your thoughts in a comment below or tweet to us at @maxamoo.

Critics & Reviews

None yet.


$18 (click here to purchase tickets from Brown Paper Tickets, the official online ticket seller for The Gin Baby)


Performances through February 2, 2014


IRT Theater
154 Christopher Street #3B (take the elevator to the third floor, turn right)
New York City


Advertised with 1 hour 25 minute running time but it was closer to 1 hour 45 minutes on the night we saw it. No intermission.

(partial list)

Written by Sarah Shaefer

Directed by Daniel Talbott

Featuring Lesley Shires, Chris Stack, Charlotte Graham, Maxwell Hamilton, Shyko Amos, Jelena Stupljanin, Jenny Seastone Stern


IRT Theater