A Christmas Carol (Blessed Unrest) – Location, Tickets, Reviews

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol (Blessed Unrest) – Location, Tickets, Reviews

This holiday season Blessed Unrest, an award-winning theater company, brings a minimalist, physical version of Dickens’ classic A Christmas Carol to the stage.

This trimmed-down version focuses on the socio-economic disparities in the world of Ebenezer Scrooge and everything is seen through the moral dilemma of the haves’ responsibility towards the have-nots. The message is straightforward and involves enough humor so it’s not too sanctimonious, but the real value of this production is in Jessica Burr’s smart and graceful direction and choreography, as well as in the actors’ nimble performance.

The stage is empty except for loose doors and suitcases that serve as set and props. With these simple items the cast depicts a surprising array of situations and spaces (a dinner table, an office space, a bedroom). The six actors play 30-odd characters, and they swiftly shift between them – each has its own body-language and movement — to create a piece with a simple message that is very pleasing to the eye.


The Interart Theatre
500 West 52nd Street
New York City
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1 hour 35 minutes, no intermission


$18 (click here for tickets)


Performances through December 22, 2013


Stage and Cinema
A Lovely Innovative Staging of an Old Favorite

Theatre Is Easy
Performed by an excellent six-person cast, this production is thoroughly theatrical, frequently delightful, and ultimately ambivalent about Dickens’ message of redemption.

Theater Pizzazz 
Representative of some of the best of avant-garde theater today, this adaptation of the Christmas Carol is clever.

(partial list)

Adapted by Mark Opatrny

Directed and choreographed by Jessica Burr

Featuring Sora Baek, Jessi Blue Gormezano, Tatyana Kot, Damen Scranton, Nathan Richard Wagner, Joshua Wynter


Blessed Unrest