One Night… – Location, Tickets, Reviews

One Night...

One Night… – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Charles Fuller’s new play, One Night… — a co-production of Cherry Lane Theatre and Rattlestick Playwrights Theatre — courageously takes on the plight of combat zone veterans, with a special focus on the experience of female soldiers.

Alicia (the excellent Rutina Wesley, TV: True Blood) is a military veteran – a sergeant who served in Iraq. Back in the U.S., like many veterans, she is homeless, suffering from PTSD, and fighting a non-responsive system for disabilities payments. The play takes place when Alicia and her only ally, a similarly PTSD-ridden veteran named Horace, arrive at a seedy motel after a mysterious fire consumed their homeless shelter.

We learn that there is one event that haunts Alicia more than all: a few months before her return, she was a victim of a violent gang-rape by her fellow soldiers. The memory of the incident and its aftermath ruined her life. Her decision to file a complaint against the perpetrators turned her into a pariah; the indifference of her officers and the recurring mantra that “women shouldn’t be in the army in the first place” leave her fighting for her identity and sanity.

It is a profoundly unsettling and intense play that spotlights failures in our society. At times it is nearly too much to handle and that is exactly the point: like the women it attempts to represent, One Night… takes on a topic that is often silenced and allows it to finally scream.


Cherry Lane Theatre
38 Commerce Street
New York City
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1 hour 45 minutes, no intermission


$66, $20 for military forces and students with ID (click here for tickets)


Performances through December 15, 2013


This new play by Charles Fuller takes a long hard look at the plight of America’s young veterans

NYtheater Now 
[One Night…] has streaks of brilliance and a riveting performance by its leading actress Rutina Wesley.

Stage and Cinema 
Nothing if not Intense

The Village Voice
One Night… is a well-intentioned (if heavy-handed) melodrama

(partial list)

Written by Charles Fuller

Directed by Clinton Turner Davis

Featuring Rutina Wesley, Grantham Coleman, K.K. Moggie, Matthew Montelongo, Cortez Nance Jr.


Cherry Lane Theatre