Becoming Dr. Ruth – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Becoming Dr. Ruth

Becoming Dr. Ruth – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Becoming Dr. Ruth, a tribute to the renowned sex therapist Dr. Ruth, starring Debra Jo Rupp in a solo performance, is currently having its New York premier.

The play is set in 1997, as Dr. Ruth prepares to move out of her apartment. As she packs, she invites the audience to go with her through her boxes, and through her remarkable memories: her childhood as a Jewish girl in Europe during World War II, her fight for Israel’s independence as part of the Haganah, and her coming to America as a single mother.

Reviews are fairly mixed. TheaterMania loved the play, saying “It’s an affecting performance that, more than anything else, captures the essence of the real person. And that’s more than any mere imitation can offer.” Whereas, calling the play a “talking Wikipedia page”, the New York Times said that playwright Mark St. Germain “neuters the woman whose remarkable life it depicts, reducing her to an adorable bundle of innocuous jokes, sentimental clichés and over-explained metaphors.”

The actual Dr. Ruth Westheimer will address the audience after the evening performances on November 20 and December 18. It runs through January 12, 2014.


The Westside Theatre
407 West 43rd Street
New York City
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1 hours 30 minuetes, no intermission


$36.00-110.00 (click here for tickets)


Now through January 12, 2014


New York Times
The Sex Therapist’s Story, From Calamity to Cliché

Even with the qualms about length, St. Germain has crafted an enjoyable tribute to a figure of popular culture who truly deserves it

Entertainment Weekly
Unfortunately, playwright Mark St. Germain and director Julianne Boyd don’t allow any of the powerful moments to breathe.

Talkin’ Broadway
A one-woman show that is far more interesting and informative than any you had a right to expect.

New York Theater
A remarkable tale told efficiently by playwright Mark St. Germain

A well rounded portrait of a woman who cherishes life and learning.

(partial list)

Written by Mark St. Germain

Directed by Julianne Boyd

Featuring Debra Jo Rupp


Becoming Dr. Ruth