No Man’s Land / Waiting For Godot – Location, Tickets, Reviews

No Man's Land, Waiting for Godot

No Man’s Land / Waiting For Godot – Location, Tickets, Reviews

A pair of theater legends are starring in a pair legendary plays this fall at the Cort Theatre. Sir Ian McKellen (The Lord of the Rings trilogy) and Sir Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: the Next Generation) together appear in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Harold Pinter’s No Man’s Land on alternating nights. This is easily one of the season’s most hotly anticipated offerings and these two productions more than meet the high popular and critical expectations.

Even the haughtiest theater snobs can find Beckett and Pinter – playwrights that are often admired from afar rather than actually enjoyed – downright mystifying, but these productions make every ridiculous nook and each profound cranny glow with life. McKellen and Stewart’s effortless chemistry blows the dust off of these old jewels of absurdist theater. The two leads (and their equally exquisite costars, Billy Crudup and Shuler Hensley) deliver performances of alarming specificity, hitting each of the plays fleeting, nimble, contradictory notes of comedy, fear, and futility with such perfect timing and grace that it is hard to imagine these plays performed any other way (or any better).

The only real surprise is how well Godot and No Man’s Land work together as a double bill.

Recommended if…

You want to watch two lions of theater at the top of their game;

You’re intimidated by Beckett and Pinter and want to see two accessible productions that may change your mind and fill your heart;

You’ve never seen Godot or No Man’s Land and want to see one of the definitive productions; OR

 You have a crush on Billy Crudup (let’s be honest, we all do).

UPDATE [January 8, 2014]

Due to popular demand, Waiting for Godot and No Man’s Land have been extended through March 30, 2014


Cort Theatre
138 W 48th Street
New York City
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Each show is 2 hours and 30 minutes, 1 intermission


$40.00 – $137.00

Click here for ‘Waiting for Godot’ tickets

Click here for ‘No Man’s Land’ tickets


Performances through March 30, 2014



New York Times 
Filling the Existential Void

New York Post
Ian McKellen dominates aside best bud Patrick Stewart

Two plays about nothing are really about everything in this well-acted and sensitively directed pairing of absurdist classics.

New York Magazine 
Pairing Up Waiting for Godot & No Man’s Land


New York Theater 
Sirs Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen on Broadway

Entertainment Weekly
In both plays, McKellen and Stewart deliver a master class in acting that seems to echo Beckett and Pinter’s underlying theme: the struggle of men against the challenge and inevitability of death.


Wall Street Journal
Brits Take Broadway with a Double Feature

(partial list)

Waiting for Godot written by Samuel Beckett

No Man’s Land written by Harold Pinter

Directed by Sean Mathias

Featuring Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Shuler Hensley, and Billy Crudup


Two Plays in Rep