Those Who Can’t Do – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Erin Fleck in Those Who Can't Do

Those Who Can’t Do – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Part of the All for One Festival for solo performances, Those Who Can’t Do probes a touchy and controversial topic: how to teach sex education to teens.

With the help of only a desk, a chair, and a chalkboard, versatile performer Erin Fleck takes on multiple roles–a stern principal, a nervous teacher, and an array of students and their opinionated parents–as she reveals the shortcomings of a small town’s dated health education system.

Lillian Campbell, a new health instructor and Fleck’s chief persona, must address a disturbing sexual incident involving her class of ninth grade girls and a group of senior boys. While she is trying her best to handle a tricky situation, a slew of angry parents and conservative school-board members scrutinize her methods. This show takes its audience back to high school to explore the uncomfortable notion of sexual repression and shame, as well as the glaring generational gap in perspective on these issues.


Cherry Lane Theatre
38 Commerce Street
New York City
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1 hour 15 minutes, no intermission


$26.00 (click for tickets)


Performances through November 9, 2013

(partial list)

Written and Performed by Erin Fleck

Directed by Shari Hollett


 All for One Festival: Those Who Can’t Do