In The Wine Time – Location, Reviews, Tickets

in the wine time

In The Wine Time – Location, Reviews, Tickets

The Castillo Theatre and The New Federal Theatre’s joint production of the play In The Wine Time is a revival by Ed Bullins, an influential African American playwright.

Set in the 1950s, In The Wine Time is a poignant portrait of the plight of African Americans at the time. It follows Lou, Cliff, and Lou’s young nephew Ray and their difficult life in a poor neighborhood in a large city. Consumed by violence, sex, excessive drinking, and the challenges that come along with life without means, they hold onto each other despite their troubled circumstances and relationships.

Written in 1968, the dialogue is still biting and powerful today. With a streak of dark humor, this story of struggle and unfulfilled dreams elicits laughter as well as deep empathy.


Castillo Theatre
543 West 42nd Street
New York City
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1 hour and 30 minutes, one intermission


$25 (click here for tickets)


Performances through November 24, 2013



New York Times
Why stay in high school, when you could be out drinking?

Theater Is Easy
The Dawsons revel in their ritual of the wine time while trying to make their nephew into a man.


Woodie King Jr’s New Federal Theatre Kicks Off with Ed Bullin’s ‘In the Wine Time’

Black Star News
Ed Bullins’ “In The Wine Time” AT Woodie King Jr’s New Federal Theatre

(partial list)

Written by Ed Bullins

Directed by Mansoor Najee-ullah

Featuring Sandra Reaves-Phillips, Richard Brundage, Angelique Chapman, Khadim Diop, Matthew Faroul, Lindsay Finnie, Harrison Lee, Catherine Peoples, Shirlene Victoria Quigley, Kim Sullivan, Eddie Wardel, Eboni Witcher


In The Wine Time