Juno and the Paycock – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Juno and the Paycock

Juno and the Paycock – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Written in 1924 by the great Irish playwright Sean O’Casey, Juno and the Paycock at the Irish Repertory Theatre is the tragic tale of a poor family living in difficult times.

Set during the bloody Civil War that ravaged Ireland in the 1920s, the play tracks the downward spiral of the Boyle family: hard-working matriarch Juno; her drunk, no-good husband, Jack (i.e. The Paycock, or peacock); their wounded and haunted son, Johnny, who lost his arm fighting for the Irish Republican Army; and their daughter Mary, who gets involved with a British solicitor and brings shame on the family.

It is a profoundly Irish play, grounded in historical context and performed with strong Irish accents. Heavy with dialogue and generally very dark (although there are instances of comic relief), Juno and the Paycock is heart-felt and quite hefty, spanning more than two drama-filled hours.


The Irish Repertory Theatre
132 West 22nd Street
New York City
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2 hours, 1 intermission


$55.0o-$65.00 (click here for tickets)


Extended through January 26, 2014


New York Times
In a blaze of hope, flickering menace

Time Out New York
The company (aside from reliably zany John Keating) does two-dimensional work that resolutely smells of the page

This tale about the effect of the Irish Civil War on Dublin’s working class is professionally produced and enlightening but lacks emotional depth that could be provided by more context.

Theatre is Easy
Seminal Irish play done justice by New York’s seminal Irish theatre.

The Village Voice
When done wrong, Juno and the Paycock is oppressively dark


Written by Sean O’Casey

Directed by Charlotte Moore

Featuring Ciarán Byrne, J. Smith-Cameron, Terry Donnelly, John Keating, Laurence Lowry, Mary Mallen, Ed Malone, Kern McFadden, David O’Hara, Ciarán O’Reilley, James Russell, Fiana Taibin


The Irish Repertory