The Starr Reading Series

The Starr Reading Series at The Bushwick Starr

The Starr Reading Series

The Starr Reading Series is a curated reading series hosted by The Bushwick Starr in Brooklyn. The readings are free and open to the public.


2013-2014 Season

All readings begin at 8 pm.

September 23, 2013
Katie Ka vang
Fast FWD Motions

October 21, 2013
Paz Pardo
Movimiento Perpetuo (Perpetual Motion)

November 4, 2013
Jackie Sibblie Drury

December 9, 2013
Hansol Jung
No More Sad Things

January 6, 2014
Christina Masciotti
Social Security

February 3, 2014
Erik Ehn
10k Things

February 10, 2014
Normandy Sherwood
The Prizewinner Spurns Her Prize

March 24, 2014
Max Posner
Gun Logistics

April 28, 2014
Moe Yousuf
The Lawn Mower Man


The Bushwick Starr
207 Starr Street
Brooklyn, New York
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The Starr Reading Series