Romeo & Juliet (CSC) – Location, Tickets, Reviews


Romeo & Juliet (CSC) – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Shakespeare’s immortal lovers lock eyes again, this time at Classic Stage Company, with an unnerving current of malaise and the whining cries of its two young leads. This Romeo and Juliet, one of two currently playing in town, bears the scars of an awkward adaptation, leaving you puzzled when you should be swept away.

Elizabeth Olsen, distancing herself from her more famous twin sisters, is shrill as Juliet opposite bland newcomer Julian Cihi, as Romeo, allowing an impressive ensemble cast (led by the brilliant Daphne Rubin-Vega as the Nurse) to take the fore.

The critics don’t have much more to add here. Most can’t get over Clint Ramos’ bizarre costumes and the amateurish acting. Ben Brantley of The New York Times barely even mentions the star-crossed lovers, focusing instead on a delicious subplot romance involving Lady Capulet and Tybalt. Hey, whatever gets you through.

Recommended only if you want to see a cheaper R&J than the one playing a few blocks north. At least you’ll get to hear Rubin-Vega hurl Shakespearean insults in Spanish.


Classic Stage Company
136 East 13th Street
New York City
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2 hours and 30 minutes, 1 intermission


$60.00 – $65.00 (click here for tickets)


Performances extended through November 10



New York Times
Those Star-Crossed Lovers, Caught Between Feuding Parents

New York Daily News
Elizabeth Olsen’s ‘Romeo & Juliet’ Remains Earthbound

Entertainment Weekly
Another day, another modern-dress Romeo and Juliet. But this one, directed by Tea Alagic at Off Broadway’s Classic Stage Company, seems to have run out of ideas after the couple’s offbeat meet-cute at the Capulet masquerade ball

Tea Alagić helms a head-scratching production of Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy for off-Broadway’s Classic Stage Company. But it’s never, ever boring.


New York Times
A New Romeo for Classic Stage Company Production

Elizabeth Olsen Chats About Tackling the Role of Juliet in CSC’s ‘Romeo & Juliet’

(partial list)

Written by William Shakespeare

Directed by Tea Alagic

Featuring McKinley Belcher III, Julian Cihi, Daniel Davis, Sam Demidoff, Harry Ford, David Garrison, T.R. Knight, Anthony Michael Martinez, Kathryn Meisle, Dion Mucciacito, Elizabeth Olsen, John Rothman and Daphne Rubin-Vega


Classic Stage Company