Bad Jews – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Bad Jews

Bad Jews – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Photos by Joan Marcus

Bad Jews is Roundabout Theatre Company’s encore presentation of Joshua Harmon’s acerbic comedy, which debuted at the Roundabout Underground’s BlackBox Theatre last year.

Now playing at the significantly larger Laura Pels Theatre just up the stairs from the Black Box, Bad Jews invites us to spend an evening with three young Jewish relatives in a tiny Upper West Side studio apartment. Cousins Diana (Tracce Chimo) and Jonah (Philip Ettinger) are recovering from their Holocaust-surviving grandfather’s funeral, from which Jonah’s brother Liam (Michael Zegen) was conspicuously absent. When Liam finally shows up with his decidedly NOT Jewish girlfriend, Melody (Molly Ranson), the quartet spend the night tearing into each other over issues of family, inheritance, identity, and legacy.

Recommended if. . .

  • You like your comedies wicked, sharp, and ferocious;
  • You view your Jewish upbringing through a wide angle comic lens;
  • You want a second chance to see a show that everyone was raving about last year;
  • You come from a raucous, confrontational, hilarious family (Jew or Gentile);
  • You’re interested in probing themes of religious identity and spot-on debates about cultural ownership; or
  • You want to see Tracee Chimo bring down the house with one of the most gorgeously realized comic performances of the season.


The Laura Pels Theatre at the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre
111 West 46th Street
New York City
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1 hour and 40 minutes, no intermission


$77.00 (click here for tickets)


Performances extended through December 29, 2013



New York Times
Holier Than Thou? Oh, She’s Just Getting Started: The Savage Humor of Joshua Harmon’s ‘Bad Jews’

New York Post
For a chosen few, feuding is fun

Jew School
Bad Jews, Great Peformances

Very Good ‘Bad Jews’

Leaves a bad taste

Joshua Harmon’s dark comedy moves upstairs to the Laura Pels Theatre – cast, creative team and scathing barbs intact.


Roundabout Theatre Company Extends Run of Joshua Harmon Comedy ‘Bad Jews’

New York Times
A reprise for ‘Bad Jews’

(partial list)

Written by Joshua Harmon

Directed by Daniel Aukin

Featuring Tracee Chimo, Philip Ettinger, Molly Ranson and Michael Zegen


Roundabout Theatre Company – Bad Jews