Lickspittles, Buttonholers and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Lickspittles, Buttonholers and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens

Lickspittles, Buttonholers and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Johnna Adams‘ Lickspittles, Buttonholers and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens, in a world premiere presented by Boomerang Theatre Company, is one of the hidden gems of this fall season.

A comedy written (mostly) in rhyming couplets, Lickspittles tells the story of three men from the Danish court (a lickspittle, a buttonholer, and a go-between) and their travels to France and Great Britain, rivalries with shrewd female counterparts in Napoleon’s court, and efforts to stop an invasion of their country. Written in rhymes, haikus, free-verse, and limericks, Lickspittles was described by director John Hurley as a “triple-adversarial love story/verse comedy (with tragic relief) where three Orlandos meet three Rosalinds.”

Recommended if. . .

  • You enjoy word trickery and witty turns of phrase;
  • You enjoy sestinas, haiku, free verse, limericks and sonnets;
  • You like Shakespeare;
  • You dislike Shakespeare but enjoy rhyming couplets;
  • You teach or study English;
  • You’re a fan of playwright Johnna Adams (like we are, but note this play is very different from her other well-known plays Gideon’s Knot and Sans Merci);
  • You’re a fan of actor Nat Cassidy (like we are);
  • You believe it’s important to support female playwrights; OR
  • You enjoy clever, well-written, well-acted, original, romantic comedies performed in a small space with a sparse set and lots of enthusiasm.


357 West 36th Street (3rd floor), New York City
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2 hours and 20 minutes, 1 intermission


$20 (click here for tickets)


Performances through October 6



Theater Pizzazz
Fortunately, LBG is an extraordinarily clever work which Johnna Adams, like David Hirson’s La Bête, has written (mostly) in rhyming couplets.


NY Theatre
Interview with Director John Hurley

NYtheater Now
Amy Lee Pearsall’s Insider View

NYtheater Now
Nat Cassidy’s Insider View

(partial list)

Written by Johnna Adams

Directed by John Hurley

Featuring Nat Cassidy, Gavin Starr Kendall, Joseph Mathers, Shashanah Newman, Kelley Rae O’Donnell, Ridley Parson, Amy Lee Pearsall, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Kristen Vaughan, Chris Weikel


Lickspittles, Buttonholers, and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens