Early Buzz: Gertrude Stein’s SAINTS! – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Gertrude Stein's Saints!

Early Buzz: Gertrude Stein’s SAINTS! – Location, Tickets, Reviews

One of the best things to come out of FringeNYC 2013, Gertrude Stein’s SAINTS! is thankfully coming back to a second run this summer at the Abrons Center.

An ode to American music, Gertrude Stein’s SAINTS! is a non-opera-esque rendition of Gertrude Stein’s unconventional librettos (yes, she wrote librettos!).

Stein wrote the repetitive, plot-less text as an experiment with language. In Gertrude Stein’s SAINTS!, it is arranged and adapted in tribute to every musical genre from rock to gospel and country to hip hop.

The young and talented performing ensemble is exceptional. They are charismatic, full of life, and fearless. Their beautiful harmonies packaged with elegant choreography and direction make this show an uplifting experience. It feels abstract, irrational, and transcendental, and we enjoyed every minute of it. It won an excellence award for overall musical at the conclusion of the 2013 FringeNYC Festival, and director Michelle Sutherland was awarded the excellence award for directing.


$20 (tickets will go on sale at a later, undisclosed date)


June 12 through June 29, 2014


The Abrons Arts Center 
466 Grand Street
New York City
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Past Reviews 

FringeNYC 2013 production

Gertrude Stein’s SAINTS! should be on everybody’s must-see list at FringeNYC 2013

Time Out
This irresistible young ensemble, pulsing with energy and expertise, comes together vibrantly

(partial list)

Librettos by Gertrude Stein

Adapted by the ensemble

Directed by Michelle Sutherland

Featuring Chante Adams, Deneé Benton, Veladya Chapman, Molly Griggs, Amanda Leigh Jerry, Johari Mackay, Mitch Marois, Jimmy Nicholas, Jordan Phillips, Carter Redwood, Kelsey Tarantino, Joe Ventricelli, Jacob Vine


Gertrude Stein SAINTS!